Hi, I'm Emily.

πŸ“ Based in Toronto, Ontario

πŸ‘©πŸ»Β  she/her, broadway fan, doodler, bubble tea enthusiast, pro Mario Karter*

🏑  I value ambition, home, and wholeheartedness

πŸ›’Β  Current Strategy & Ops @ DoorDash

πŸ’ΌΒ  Prev Assoc. Consultant at Mastercard, Ops @ Ritual, BD & Marketing @ Drop


Projects I'm working on:

Here are the books I've read
I'm creating a list of local & BIPOC businesses

Other projects:

My way of combining data & doodles to wrap up the year

History lessons, articles, personal anecdotes, and more (@domrobxrts)

Contact Me

Β βœ‰οΈ emilyyau@hotmail.ca